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Center Research - Past and Present

Dan Houck using the autosprayer
Kanta and Bobi in the clean room
Center research is selected by the Industry Advisory Board. We have experts with a wide range of expertise at the research sites across the Center. If you have a question about whether the Center can perform research that suits your needs, please contact us.

2024 Research Projects


  1. CdSeTe Absorbers with High Se Content for Higher Efficiency

  2. CuAlxSy/ZnS Quantum Dot Coatings that Enhance Solar Cell Performance

  3. Edge Sealed Modules for Lower Cost and Higher Reliability

  4. Encapsulation and Stabilization Strategies for Perovskite Photovoltaics

  5. Hub-and-Spoke Design of Pipelines and Power Lines Supporting Low-Carbon Hydrogen Economy in Texas

  6. Improved Methods of Applying Perovskite Active Layer for Enhanced Performance and Longevity

  7. Measurement and Analysis of CdTe Cells

  8. Modified CdCl2 heat treatments for Increased group-V Doping Activation

  9. Real-Time Model Adaptation for Site-Specific Solar Forecasting

  10. Study of Doping and Composition Inhomogeneity in Thin-Film Solar Cells

  11. Study of On-Vehicle Insolation and Partial Shading

  12. Sulfurization of Cu-In-Se nanoparticles at Low Temperature and Atmospheric Pressure

  13. The Effect of Trace Impurities in Lead Iodide on Perovskite Film Microstructures and Photovoltaic Device Performance


2023 Research Projects


  1. Advanced Module Architecture Including Perimeter Seal

  2. Agrivoltaics with Semi-Transparent CdTe Panels

  3. Developing CuAlxSy/ZnS Quantum Dots for UV Down-shifting

  4. Encapsulation and Stabilization Strategies for Perovskite Photovoltaics

  5. Higher Band-Gap Thin-Film Cells

  6. Improved Methods of Applying Perovskite Active Layer for Enhanced Performance and Longevity

  7. Measurement and Analysis of CdTe Cells

  8. On-Vehicle Cellular MPPT Using Differential Power Processing

  9. Optimizing Group V Doping to Improve Device Performance,

  10. PV Generation for Industrial-scale Electrolysis

  11. Study of Alloy Inhomogeneity and Absorber Thickness and Their Impact on Thin-Film Solar Cells


2022 Research Projects


  1. Advanced Module Architecture Including Perimeter Seal

  2. Agrivoltaics with Semi-Transparent CdTe Panels

  3. An Optimal Energy Management Approach for a Smart Home Utilizing Energy Storage in the Face of Uncertainty Regarding the Generation and Consumption of Photovoltaic Energy

  4. Characterizing Inhomogeneity and Its Impact on Thin Film Solar Cells.

  5. Ecological Effects of Solar Panel Materials on Soils and Natural Plant Communities

  6. Encapsulation of CuAlxSyQuantum Dots for UV Down-conversion

  7. Evaluating Different Storage Technologies in Context of Community Solar + Storage Sites

  8. Higher Band-Gap Thin-Film Cells

  9. Materials Characterization of Cd(Se)Te Thin Films and Devices with Varying Stoichiometry

  10. Measurement and Analysis of CdTe Cells

  11. Novel Encapsulation and Stabilization Strategies for Perovskite Photovoltaics

  12. On-Vehicle Cellular MPPT Using Differential Power Processing

  13. Optimizing Group V Doping to Improve Device Performance,

  14. Added Value of Cellular MPPT for Diverse Applications

  15. Spatio-Temporal Deep Learning for Solar Irradiance Prediction (STELLAR)


2021 Research Projects

  1. Advanced Materials and Electrical Characterization of CdSeTe/CdTe Devices

  2. Advancing Sensing, AI and Storage Strategies to Improve Solar Technologies

  3. Agrivoltaics and a Modification to Module Materials to Enhance Power Output and Plant Growth

  4. Colloidal Quantum Dot Tunnel Junctions for Multijunction Thin Film Solar Cells

  5. Density Functional Theory Modeling of TeO2 and NiO Buffers for CdSeTe

  6. Developing Blue-Emitting CuAlxSy Quantum Dots

  7. Group V Doping to Improve Device Performance

  8. Impacts of Installing Large-scale Community Distributed Storage Solar in Austin

  9. Investigating Novel Encapsulation Approaches to Eliminate Lamination and Improve Performance and Durability

  10. Measurement and Analysis of CdTe Cells

  11. Metal-complex Conductive Inks for Metallization of Solar Cells

  12. Novel Encapsulation and Stabilization Strategies for Perovskite Photovoltaics

  13. On-Vehicle Cellular MPPT Using Differential-Power-Processing

  14. PulseForge Photonic Lift-Off to Enable Ultrathin Flexible Photovoltaic Arrays

  15. The Solar-Powered Adaptive Home as a Resilient Nanogrid

  16. Thin-film CdSe heterostructure solar cells for tandem application with Si


2020 Research Projects

  1. As doping of CdSeTe

  2. Cathodoluminescence Measurements of Thin Film PV Absorber Layers

  3. Investigating Novel Encapsulation Approaches to Eliminate Lamination and Improve Performance and Durability

  4. Advanced Materials and Electrical Characterization of CdSeTe/CdTe and CdTe devices

  5. CdTe Back-Contact Enhancements

  6. Design and Processing for Light Trapping in Dual Junction Solar Cells

  7. Density Functional Theory Modeling of MgZnO and Alumina Buffers for CdSeTe

  8. Investigation And Testing Of PV Antisoiling And AR  Coatings For Performance and Durability

  9. Perovskite-Based Multijunction Solar Cells

  10. Anomaly Detection in PV Electrical Distribution Systems

  11. High-efficiency III-V Flexible Photovoltaic Sheets

  12. Cyber-Secured Control and Protection for Microgrids


2019 Research Projects

  1. Cathodoluminescence Measurements of Thin Film PV

  2. CdTe-Perovskite Tandem Solar Cells

  3. Density Functional Theory Modeling of MgZnO Buffers in CdTe Photovoltaics

  4. Effect of Se Concentration in MgZnO/CdSeTe/CdTe Devices

  5. Experimental Capability Improvement: Mitigation of Unintentional Cu Incorporation

  6. Field Testing of Single panel PV Storage System

  7. High-efficiency III-V Flexible Photovoltaic Sheets

  8. Higher Ed Solar Plant Study

  9. Materials and Interface Characterization of CdSeTe based High Lifetime Devices

  10. Mitigating Defect Formation in CuInSe2 Nanocrystal & Paper PVs

  11. Optical and Structural Characterization of CdTe Solar Cells

  12. Optimizing MgZnO Buffers for CdTe Photovoltaics

  13. Thin Crystalline Silicon High Efficiency Flexible Photovoltaic Devices


2018 Research Projects

  1. High Gear Ratio Drivetrains Using Magnetic Gears

  2. Big Data and PV characterization Use for LED/Solar Microsystems​

  3. Development of Dual Shaft High Voltage Electric Machine with Independent Input-Output Torque and Speed

  4. Evaluation of Novel Polymers for Power Electronics Packaging Applications

  5. Experimental Capability Improvement: Mitigation of Copper Background

  6. High-efficiency III-V Flexible Photovoltaic Sheets

  7. Materials Characterization of Advanced CdTe Devices with Se Grading

  8. Mobile Electron Microscope Use in Solar Outreach to Elementary and High Schools

  9. Model Predictive Control for Inverter / Motor Drive

  10. Paper Solar Cells

  11. Passivation of Complex Alloys by Co-Sublimation

  12. Photoluminescence (PL) Characterization of CdTe Solar Cells

  13. Photonic Curing of Nanocrystal Layers

  14. Scanning Electron Microscopy Characterization of Photovoltaics

  15. Thin Crystalline Silicon High Efficiency Flexible Photovoltaic Devices

  16. Thin Film Tandem Solar Cells


2017 Research Projects

  1. Advanced Electromechanical Energy Conversion Systems

  2. Big Data and PV Characterization Use for LED/Solar Microsystems

  3. Development of Dual Shaft High Voltage Electric Machine with Independent Input-Output Torque and Speed

  4. Discovering New Materials For PV Encapsulation

  5. Economic Development Cost-Benefit for Solar Implementation

  6. Full Cost of Photovoltaic Electricity

  7. Fabrication of High Band Gap “Top Cell”

  8. High Efficiency Flexible Photovoltaic Sheets

  9. Improving the Efficiency, Lifetime, and Transparency of Fullerene-Based Photovoltaics Active Layer Materials

  10. Increasing the Efficiency of Printed Nanocrystal-Based Photovoltaics

  11. Low Cost Hydrophobic Coating Materials To Reduce Module Soiling and Reflection

  12. Materials Characterization of Advanced CdTe Devices

  13. Mobile Electron Microscope Use in Solar Outreach to Elementary and High Schools

  14. Model Predictive Control for Fault Tolerant Inverter / Motor Drive

  15. Modeling & Analysis of Effectiveness of Advanced Voltage Control Technologies for Photovoltaic Integration

  16. Photovoltaic Energy Eduational Initiative

  17. Process Optimization with New Co-Sublimation Hardware

  18. Solar Curricula for K-12

  19. Thin Crystalline Silicon High Efficiency Flexible Photovoltaic Devices

  20. Thin Film Tandem Photovoltaic Devices

  21. Thin Te Layer to Enhance CdTe Back Contact


2016 Research Projects

  1. Active Layer Materials

  2. CdTe Tandem Photovoltaic Cells

  3. Economic Development Cost-Benefit for Solar Implementation

  4. Energy System Modeling and Analysis

  5. Fabrication of high band gap "top cell"

  6. Full Cost of Photovoltaic Electricity

  7. High-efficiency Flexible Photovoltaic Sheets

  8. Improving the Efficiency, Lifetime, and Transparency of Fullerene-Based Photovoltaics Active Layer Materials

  9. Increase Co-Sub Experimental Capability to Enable New Alloy Development

  10. Increasing the Efficiency of Printed Nanocrystal-Based Photovoltaics

  11. Materials Characterization of Advanced CdTe Devices

  12. Modeling & Analysis of Effectiveness of Advanced Voltage Control Technologies for Photovoltaic Integration

  13. Nanocrystal Ink-based Photovoltaic Devices

  14. New Strategies for Microgrid Photovoltaic Electricity

  15. Perovskites for Photovoltaic Devices

  16. Photovoltaic Energy Eduational Initiative

  17. Process Optimization with New Co-Sublimation Hardware

  18. Solar Curricula for K-12

  19. Thin Crystalline Silicon High Efficiency Flexible Photovoltaic Devices

  20. Thin Film Tandem Photovoltaic Devices

  21. Thin Te Layer to Enhance CdTe Back Contact

  22. Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) Testing


2015 Research Projects


  1. Energy Strategy in Expeditionary Operations Educational Initiative

  2. Energy  System Modeling and Analysis for the US Navy

  3. High-efficiency Flexible Photovoltaic Sheets

  4. Improving the Efficiency, Lifetime, and Transparency of Fullerene-Based Photovoltaic Active Layer Materials

  5. Integration of Scheduling and Control for Process Operations using Renewable Energy

  6. Investigation of Back Surface Treatments with Te and CdMgTe (CMT) Films To From An Electron Reflector For CdTe Devices

  7. Materials Characterization of Advanced CdTe Devices

  8. Microgroove Photovoltaic Devices

  9. Modeling & Analysis of Effectiveness of Advanced Voltage Control Technologies for Photovoltaic Integration

  10. Printed Photovoltaic Layers that Boost Efficiency

  11. Scalable Nanophotonics using Jet and Flash Imprint Lithography

  12. Sputter Deposition of High Band Gap “Top Cell”

  13. Sputter Deposition of Nitrogen-Doped ZnTe for the Back Contact of CdTe Cells

  14. System Readiness Levels: Measuring and Facilitating Energy Technology Adoption at Naval Installations

  15. Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) Testing


2014 Research Projects


  1. Back Surface Etching and Doping of CdMgTe Films to and Form an Electron Reflector for CdTe Devices

  2. Capacitance-Based Characterization of Thin-Film Solar CellsIntegration of Production Scheduling and Control in the Silicon and Specialty Polymer Supply Chain

  3. Materials Characterization of CdTe and Electron Reflector Films and Devices

  4. Printed Microgroove Devices

  5. Sputter deposition and doping of CdZnTe films

  6. Subwavelength Nanostructures Integrated with Polymer-packaged III-V Solar Cells for Omnidirectional, Broad-Spectrum Improvement of Photovoltaic Performance

  7. Towards Realization of Heterojunction Solar Cells on Exfoliated ~25 μm Thick Monocrystalline Silicon Substrates

  8. Understanding the impact of ligand-exchanged CIGS (or CZTS) nanoparticles on the chemical, electronic and device properties of photovoltaic thin-films


2013 Research Projects


  1. Application of Graphene in CdTe cells

  2. CFD Analysis of CdS Close-Space Sublimation

  3. Characterization of CdTe Films and Devices Using TEM, HRTEM, FIB and other methods

  4. Deposition of CIGS Nanocrystal Ink into Engineered Microgrooves for High Volume Low Cost Flexible Photovoltaics

  5. Enhanced Light-Beam-Induced Current (LBIC)

  6. Improved Ink-Deposited CIGS Layer Uniformity and Conformal Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) ZnO

  7. Deposition for High Efficiency (>15%) Devices

  8. Impurity Doping for Reduced Temperature CIGS Sintering

  9. Photonic curing of CIGS nanocrystal films as a route to high efficiency devices without selenization

  10. Understanding the Difference Between Low and High Efficiency CIGS Devices


2012 Research Projects


  1. Advanced Passivation System

  2. Advanced RF Sputter System

  3. CFD Analysis of CdS Close-Space Sublimation

  4. Characterization of Films and Devices Using TEM, STEM, FIB and other Methods

  5. CuInSe2 Nanocrystals with Inorganic Capping Ligands

  6. Development of Cd1-xMgxTe for Electron Reflector

  7. Mapping Performance Heterogeneity in Thin Film PVs

  8. Plasma Cleaning and Plasma Enhanced Close Space Sublimation

  9. Pyrite Solar Cells

  10. Selenization of CIGS Nanocrystal Films for High Efficiency PVs

  11. Sputter Deposition of CdTe

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