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SPF2050 News

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Fall IAB Meeting finishes
October 11, 2023

Thank you to everyone who was able to make it to Fort Collins for our Fall 2023 IAB Meeting! We had a good mix of folks who came in person and attended online. We're looking forward to seeing you all in the Spring when we return to Austin!

Sandia joins SPF2050
August 29, 2023

We're thrilled to announce that Sandia National Laboratories has become a new member of SPF2050. Sandia had previously been a part of NGPV many years ago and we're happy to have them back! Welcome to Abraham Ellis and Nadine Miner who are representing Sandia within the Center.

New paper published
July 5, 2023

Congrats to SPF researchers including Yangning Zhang on this newly published paper, "Cesium Methylammonium Lead Iodide (CsxMA1−xPbI3) Nanocrystals with Wide Range Cation Composition Tuning and Enhanced Thermal Stability of the Perovskite Phase." If you'd like to view the paper or abstract, it is available here:

SPF2050 at the 50th IEEE PVSC
June 15, 2023

Armando Villa-Ignacio won the best poster presentation award for his research on Agrivoltaics. Armando and his advisor Prof. Jennifer Bousselot's research is supported through the Center. Congratulations, Armando!


In addition to Armando's poster, Amit Munshi had a poster which highlighted some of the work being done in the Center in an effort to help highlight the benefits for being an IAB member. Thank you, Amit!

CSU Engineering Days celebration
April 30, 2023

Final year undergraduate students at the CSU site presented their capstone project at the annual Edays (Engineering Days) celebration.
The three member team (left to right – Nicholas Jungen, Keelan
Hanes, Connor Higgins) demonstrated exceptional work in upgrading
in-line multi-station thin film solar cell fabrication system for improved thermal profiling and data collection.

Thanks for a successful IAB meeting!
April 5, 2023

Thank you to those who were able to make it to Austin for our Spring IAB meeting! We appreciate everyone who took the time to either come in person or participate via Zoom. We'll be holding our Fall meeting in Fort Collins and look forward to seeing you all in person again later this year.

Spring IAB Meeting in Austin 
March 14, 2023

We're getting closer to the Spring IAB meeting and are looking forward to seeing you all soon! Project updates and documents for the meeting will be available on the member's site shortly!

Winter 2023 IAB Quarterly Updates posted
February 20, 2023

The quarterly updates have been posted on the member's website for your review! In addition to that, our IAB meeting is fast approaching so we're looking forward to seeing everyone soon!

UT partnering with energy titans
January 6, 2023

Our Center Director Brian Korgel also serves as the Director of the UT Austin Energy Institute (EI). Big news out of UT recently: "Energy Titans Collaborate With UT To Solve Most Pressing Global Energy Challenges"


You can read more about it here.

Looking for older news?
January 1, 2023

Further news articles from previous years can be accessed by highlighting the News section of the toolbar at the top of the page and selecting a previous year. Click here for 2022.

Armando IEEE PVSC Best Poster.jpg

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