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Research Publications

The cornerstone of SPF2050 is high quality, cutting edge research. Below is a list of selected publications from the Center.

Cutting Edge Research for the Solar Power Industry


Stolle, Carl Jackson; Lu, Xiaotang; Yu, Yixuan; Schaller, Richard D. and Brian A. Efficient Carrier Multiplication in Colloidal Silicon Nanorods Nano Lett. 2017, 17 (9), pp 5580-5586 [link]


Voggu, Vikas Reddy; Sham, James; Pfeffer, Sarah; Pate, Jennifer; Fillip, Leslie; Harvey, Taylor B.; Brown Jr., Malcolm R. and Korgel, Brian A. Flexible CuInSe2 Nanocrystal Solar Cells on Paper ACS Energy Lett. 2017, 2, pp 574-581 [link]



Pernik, Douglas R.; Gutierrez, Marlene; Thomas, Cherrelle; Voggu, Vikas Reddy; Yu, Yixuan; Embden, Joel van; Topping, Alexander J.; Jasieniak, Jacek; Vanden Bout, David A.; Lewandowski, Raymond and Korgel, Brian A. Plastic Microgroove Solar Cells Using CuInSe2 Nanocrystals. ACS Energy Lett. 2016, 1 (5), pp 1021-1027 [link]


Padullaparti, H.V.; Chirapongsananurak, P.; Hernandez, M.; Santoso, S. Analytical Approach to Estimate Feeder Accommodation Limits based on Protection Criteria. IEEE Access (2016). Vol. 4, 4066 - 4081. [link]



Pattison, Richard C. ; Touretzky,  Cara R. ;  Johansson, Ted; Harjunkoski, Iiro and Baldea, Michael. Optimal Process Operations in Fast-Changing
Electricity Markets: Framework for Scheduling with Low-Order Dynamic Models and an Air Separation Application. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.. 55 (16), 4562 [link]



Stolle, C. Jackson; Harvey, Taylor, B.; Korgel, Brian A., Photonic Curing of Ligand-Capped CuInSe2 Nanocrystal Films. 40th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC), (2014), 0270-0274 [link]


Stolle, C. Jackson; Schaller, Richard D.; Korgel, Brian A., Efficient Carrier Multiplication in Colloidal CuInSe2 Nanocrystals. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. (2014), 5, 3169-3174. [link]


Stolle, C. Jackson; Harvey, Taylor B.; Pernik, Douglas R.; Hibbert, Jarett I.; Du, Jiang; Rhee, Dong Jong; Akhavan, Vahid A.; Schaller, Richard D.; Korgel, Brian A., Multiexciton Solar Cells of CuInSe2 Nanocrystals. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. (2014), 5, 304-309. [link]



Panthani, Matthew G.; Stolle, C. Jackson; Reid, Dariya K.; Rhee, Dong Joon; Harvey, Taylor B.; Akhavan, Vahid A.; Yu, Yixuan; Korgel, Brian A., CuInSe2 Quantum Dot Solar Cells with High Open-Circuit Voltage J. Phys. Chem. Lett.(2013), 4 (12), 2030-2034. [link]


Stolle, C. Jackson; Harvey, Taylor B.; Korgel, Brian A., Nanocrystal Photovoltaics: A Review of Recent Progress. Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering (2013), 2 (2), 160-167. [link]


Akhavan, Vahid A.; Harvey, Taylor B.; Stolle, C. Jackson; Ostrowski, David P.; Glaz, Micah S.; Goodfellow, Brian W.; Panthani, Matthew G.; Reid, Dariya K.; Vanden Bout, David A.; Korgel, Brian A., Influence of Composition on the Performance of Sintered Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Nanocrystal Thin-Film Photovoltaic Devices. ChemSusChem (2013), 6 (3), 481-486. [link]


Panthani, Matthew G.; Korgel, Brian A., Nanocrystals for Electronics Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (2012), 3, 287-311. [link]

Steinhagen, Chet; Harvey, Taylor B.; Stolle, C. Jackson; Harris, Justin; Korgel, Brian A., Pyrite Nanocrystal Solar Cells: Promising or Fool's Gold? Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2012), 3, 2352-2356. [link]


Stolle, C. Jackson; Panthani, Matthew G.; Harvey, Taylor B.; Akhavan, Vahid A.; Korgel, Brian A., Comparison of the Photovoltaic Response of Oleylamine and Inorganic Ligand-Capped CuInSe2 Nanocrystals. Applied Materials and Interfaces (2012), 4(5), 2757-2761. [link]


Akhavan, Vahid A.;Goodfellow, Brian W.; Panthani, Matthew G.;Steinhagen, Chet; Harvey, Taylor B.; Stolle, C. Jackson; Korgel, Brian A., Colloidal CIGS and CZTS Nanocrystals: A Precursor Route to Printed Photovoltaics. Journal of Solid State Chemistry (2012), 189, 2-12. [link]


Steinhagen, Chet; Akhavan, Vahid; Goodfellow, Brian; Panthani, Matthew G.; Harris, Justin; Holmberg, Vincent; Korgel, Brian, Solution-Liquid-Solid (SLS) Synthesis of CuInSe2 Nanowires and their Implementation in Photovoltaic Devices. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2011), 3(5), 1781-1785. [link]


Ye, Heechang; Park, Hyun S.; Akhavan, Vahid A.; Goodfellow, Brian W.; Panthani, Matthew G.; Korgel, Brian A.; Bard, Allen J., Photo-Electrochemical Characterization of CuInSe2 and Cu(In1-xGax)Se2 Thin Films for Solar Cells. Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2011), 115(1), 234-240. [link]

Ostrowski, David P.; Glaz, Micah S.; Goodfellow, Brian W.; Akhavan, Vahid A.; Panthani, Matthew G.; Korgel, Brian A.; Vanden Bout, David A., Mapping Spatial Heterogeneity in Cu(In1-xGax)Se2 Nanocrystal-Based Photovoltaics with Scanning Photocurrent and Fluorescence Microscopy. Small (2010), 6(24) 2832-2836. [link]


Akhavan, Vahid A.; Goodfellow, Brian W.; Panthani, Matthew G.; Reid, Dariya K.; Hellebusch, Danny J.; Adachi, Takuji; Korgel, Brian A., Spray-deposited CuInSe2 nanocrystal photovoltaics. Energy & Environmental Science (2010), 3(10), 1600-1606. [link]


Akhavan, Vahid A.; Panthani, Matthew G.; Goodfellow, Brian W.; Reid, Dariya K.; Korgel, Brian A., Thickness-limited performance of CuInSe2 nanocrystal photovoltaic devices. Optics Express (2010), 18(S3), A411-A420. [link]

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